Christmas 2020

Dear friends in Christ,

In Bethlehem Mary worshipped her child. The angels sang praises of God and of the newly born savior. The shepherds left everything to worship Jesus. The Magi followed the star and worshipped not only with bent knee, but with generous gifts.

Following their example, and the example of generations of faithful followers of Jesus before us, Christ Church, Lutheran will gather together to worship and adore the Christ Child in prayer and songs, in meditation and praise, in the eucharist and the peace of Christ shared among us. Though differently from other years, this year we gather on Zoom. However, we’ll be together and Jesus will be in our midst. O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you now and always!

Christmas Eve

Zoom Worship begins at 6:30 pm

Christmas Day

Zoom Worship begins at 10:00 am

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